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Team Vitreus

When veteran Pokémon Trainers decide to take it a step

further, Team Vitreus seeks to both advance humanity as

a whole, as well as all Pokémon.


While not necessarily a bad thing, their practices are

rather questionable. With multiple reports coming from

across Kuria, most notably theft and taking people hostage

for unknown reasons.


Worst part of it all, they are a strong force. As stated previously,

they're no ordinary trainers. They all seem to have mastered battling

in a huge way, with some of them even capable of using the mysterious power of Mega Evolution.


Even more interesting is their fascination with Pokémon Crystallization, the event that occurs after certain Pokémon come into contact with Crystal Shards. They seem to know a lot more about it than most people. But what could they want from the Crystal Power that could

benefit their goals of human advancement?

The Vitreus Grunts

Every villainous team needs their grunts to do the dirty work, but these ones are quite a bit more than just regular grunts.

They're veterans, masters in Pokémon battling, and they also look very fashionable.


Each grunt desires human advancement for their own reason. One may want more power, the other could want money or maybe even just a better world. And then there are of course some that are just in it to find good people to battle.


Interesting enough, some grunts can even use Mega Evolution, makes you wonder just how powerful the team is. Don't underestimate them just for being grunts, as they are grunts for a reason. Vitreus' leader wouldn't have hired them if they weren't somewhat competent.


The youngest member of Vitreus happens to also be one of the strongest. With a troubled past Quartz moves through life deaf from a devastating accident. He uses his loud Sound-Type Pokémon to lead the way. He's grown cold to the way of the world and will let little stand in his way.


Known far and wide in the Kuria region for her beauty and extravagance, Amber is also a highly skilled battler. Obsessed with looks, she keeps herself in perfect fashion at all times from her clothes to her Diamond Studded Gold Encrusted Pokéballs. She'll leave you shocked and heart broken.


The brains behind Vitreus, Beryl believes himself to be the smartest Pokémon Trainer out there. He may very well be right. His ability to analyze and solve any problem both in battle and in general are rivaled by none. Some say his smarts are just to compensate for his short stature.


Skillful gambling and powerful investments made Almand one of the wealthiest men in Kuria. He believes that luck is the most powerful driving force in the universe and some people just have more than others. his massive wealth helps fund Vitreus plans.


Although not a member of the Vitreus Elite Four, Taen is in close works with Almand and Beryl. Coming from the Torren region, he has valuable information about the strange species of Pokémon that are told of in rumors. He joined Vitreus due to having similiar goals.

Stay tuned!

More will be revealed in the future. In the meantime, check out our twitter or subreddit for the latest news immediately!

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