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Kuria is filled with trainers trying to be the very best. Here's some of the top competitors!

Grown up in a wealthy family, Marcas is used to getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants. But there is one dream that can't simply be made true with money.


The World's Strongest Pokémon Trainer. Marcas has always been fascinated with Pokémon battles and desires to become the best Pokémon trainer in the world. His  mother was an authority on Pokémon Battles, and is a big inspiration for Marcas.


Marcas is arrogant and thinks of himself as nothing less than perfect, but his ego is rather fragile. 

He decided to be your rival, as he knows healthy competition will make him strive for greater power.


"Marcas, the World's Strongest. That's what I will be known as!"


"Being the very best isn't as fun as it sounds."

Champion of a foreign region looking for more, he's started fresh in Kuria. Having gone through an adventure already, he's very skilled in battle. He hopes to raise a new team of Pokémon in the Kuria region and conquer it for his own. Malakai is always looking for a new challenge. Little does he know he's in for a surprise, as the Kuria region is not easily bested.

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