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Professor Maple

"Assistance is great, but relying on anyone but myself would be a major weakness."

Professor Casimir Maple. Perhaps the best example of "Don't judge a book by it's cover", especially not when the cover towers above most others. Maple is a huge and strong Professor who studies the Crystal Pokémon.


In the Kuria region, Professor Maple is known as the "Human Fighting Type", for he has unreal strength and his muscles are enormous. He once even managed to beat a Conkeldurr in arm wrestling without much trouble. How does he get so strong as a professor, you ask? By doing everything himself.


Even though he looks intimidating because of his size, he's actually quite gentle. He's actually a very calm person, using his strength purely to help and sometimes have fun instead of resorting to violence at all. Because while he's gigantic because of his muscles, he has a heart and brain to match his size.


He has studied plenty,  But now he faces his hardest challenge yet. His study of Crystallization. He studies the properties of the evolution and the effects it has on the Pokemon itself, trying to find out why some Pokémon are able to Crystallize and why some of them cannot. Perhaps he finally faces a challenge he cannot do alone, but who can help him?

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