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Mega Porygon-Z

The Virtual Pokemon




Requires the Mega Disc to Mega Evolve

Ability: Distorted

             The Pokemon changes it's type at random every turn, and all normal

             type moves will change to the same type.


The research of Mega Evolution continues every day, and Mega Porygon-Z is the

result of this. The first fully artificial Mega Evolution ever created, for the first fully artificial Pokemon ever created.


One of the goals was to change the Virus that evolved Porygon 2 into something 

beneficial. The results were chaotic, as Porygon-Z is dangerously strong, but can't

control it's own typing. Whether it's a Dragon, Crystal or Fire type is all up to chance, and you must be ready for anything.

HP             :

Attack       :

Defense    :

Sp. Atk.     :

Sp. Def.     :

Speed       :

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