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Mega Electrode

The Ball Pokemon




Requires the Electrodite to Mega Evolve

Ability: Explosive Exhaust

             All damaging moves that cause recoil damage are significantly more

             powerful. However, this also increases the recoil damage.

             Selfdestruct and Explosion are included in the power increase.


Mega Electrode enters the field and it was a blast. No, seriously, a lot of things blew up. Including Electrode himself. But that's what he's great at after all.


With it's new Normal type, a lot more moves get STAB. That combined with it's new ability, Explosive Exhaust, makes it extremely dangerous. An Explosion from this guy is nothing to underestimate. It'll blow you away. And any other recoil-causing move will be extremely dangerous to any Pokemon.

HP             :

Attack       :

Defense    :

Sp. Atk.     :

Sp. Def.     :

Speed       :

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