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Mega Cacturne

The Scarecrow Pokemon




Requires the Cacturnite to Mega Evolve

Ability: Desert Body

             Incoming Fire-type and Ice-type attacks do half damage.


Cacturne gets creepier as can be with their Mega Evolution discovered

in Kuria. Posting still, it becomes more defensively capable than before.

But the defenses aren't even half the excitement with Cacturne. 


Cacturne's attack stat improves drastically. With the nice defense boosts this allows Cacturne to take hits with ease and then return the favor. Their new found ability to resist two of his weaknesses makes this a scarecrow you'd be better off running away from! (But you can't run from trainer battles!)

HP             :

Attack       :

Defense    :

Sp. Atk.     :

Sp. Def.     :

Speed       :

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