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Mega Beheeyem

The Cerebral Pokemon




Requires the Beheeyemite to Mega Evolve

Ability: Mindipulation

             50% chance to confuse the foe when the ability is activated via Mega                    Evolution or switching in. In Double/Triple battles, it confuses everyone                except for Beheeyem.


Mega Beheeyem is really something else. It's said to be able to wipe your mind clean with just a few flashes of light, so be wary! Or you'll be very confused as to where you are very quickly...


Mega Beheeyem's new ability Minipulation is a force to be reckoned with. It's hard enough to deal with space invaders, now they can confuse you too? If you don't play your cards right, Mega Beheeyem will leave you lost in the space dust.

HP             :

Attack       :

Defense    :

Sp. Atk.     :

Sp. Def.     :

Speed       :

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