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Crystal Weavile

The Sharp Claw Pokemon




Requires the Crystal Shard to Crystallize

Ability: Berserker

             All moves do more damage depending on how low the user's health is. 

             Damage goes up to 100% increase at 1 health.


Weavile already had very sharp claws, but when it activates the Crystal Energy, it consumes his already sharp claws and turns them into shredding machines. Crystal energy is basically explouding off of this powerful Pokemon.


And that's not all! Trading in it's defenses for even more special attack, attack and speed. This thing is a wrecking ball of force. If you don't stop him fast enough, your whole team will be shreds!

HP             :

Attack       :

Defense    :

Sp. Atk.     :

Sp. Def.     :

Speed       :

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