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Crystal Starmie

The Mysterious Pokemon




Requires the Crystal Shard to Crystallize

Ability: Storm Drain

             Draws in all Water Type attacks and raises Special Attack each time it's                hit by one.


Starmie is a rare jewel. Literally. It's entire body becomes crystalized upon Crystalization! This allows Starmie to sharpen itself to improve it's speed and tactics. Although gorgeous, do not underestimate this star!


Starmie doesn't seem to change much, but upon closer inspection it's actually folded over it's back legs. This allows it to take advantage of the added power it now has on it's upper half. It's shine is blinding enough, do you think you can handle going up against such a powerful gem?

HP             :

Attack       :

Defense    :

Sp. Atk.     :

Sp. Def.     :

Speed       :

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