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The Garden Pokemon




Requires the Crystal Shard to Crystallize

Ability: Flower Veil

             Florges and allies cannot have their stats lowered.


Upon Crystallization, Florges shows a magnificence even Milotic and Diancie would be impressed by. The crystals around its body shine brightly to make for the most beautiful Flower in the entire world!


However, Florges isn't just all beauty, you know? With the help of Crystallization, Florges easily has one of the HIGHEST Special Defense of any Pokémon. Special Attacks will do virtually nothing against Crystal Florges and you'll only leave yourself open to a now even more powerful Special Attack.

Crystal Florges

HP             :

Attack       :

Defense    :

Sp. Atk.     :

Sp. Def.     :

Speed       :

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